This is your test page to try out new things.
This page is hidden so it can't be seen unless someone knew the exact URL to get to it. So play around with:
Add text box
Click “+” (Add) > Text
Don’t choose “Add Heading 1”
Use “Paragraph 1” to use default font, size and color
Edit text
Different presets
Change color
Make Bold, Italic, etc.
Change font
DO NOT change Header and Paragraph 1 presets
Add link
Web page
Web site
Phone (show proper format)
Move text block
Add image
Click “+” (Add) > My Image Uploads
Navigate to Site Files > ‘your folder’
Upload images
And to what folder
Create new folder
Add effects
Add links
Other things you can do:
Add boxes and other decorative
Add social media links
Edit links
Add videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_OLqb3xKKM)
Anchors (strips)